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Duke Corporate Education


Building Strategic Agility Course Structure

Your course is composed of 10 self-paced modules that will each take 30-60 minutes to complete. Begin with Module 0: Welcome & Introduction, and then complete the remaining modules in sequence.

Market System

  • New Sources of Competitive Advantage
  • Customer-Centric Innovation
  • Digital Transformation

Organization System

  • Faster, Smarter Decisions
  • Harnessing Data Science for Business Impact
  • The Agile Dashboard

Human System

  •  Agility Culture and Levers for Culture Change
  • Agile Teams
  • The Power of Purpose

At the end of the course, you will also be asked to complete a brief course evaluation.

Building Strategic Agility Module Structure

Within each module, a variety of content is provided to help you explore, practice and apply new techniques and thinking to your work.

  1. Module Overviews that introduce the topic
  2. Video lessons by renown experts and practitioners
  3. Exercises to practice techniques and tools from the lesson
  4. Application toolkits to facilitate on-the-job transformation
  5. Curated content to supplement your learning

🥇Badges & certificates are awarded upon completion of all elements of the learning journey.